I have always felt a certain way about natural births. They literally scare the crap out of me, but deep down I would do it. If I had the cohones to go through with it, I probably would. As it is right now, I am REALLY going to try to go as long as physically possible without an epidural. I just didn't want to put it in my head that I was DEFINITELY going to do a natural birth, NO-MATTER-WHAT. I have heard too many stories about women who create a very specific birth plan and then when it comes down to push and shove, they feel like they need drugs and sometimes make themselves feel like crap or like failures for not sticking to their plan. So I am in a very "go with the flow" type mindset when it comes to giving birth. I know what my options are, I know what I defitniely DO NOT want, and am just going to see what happens. Even though I would prefer to have natural birth, I don't want to feel bad should I choose to get drugs instead. I don't think going with the drug option makes anyone less of a person.
WITH. THAT. SAID. I read this article:
Woman gives birth to 14 lb baby...naturally!
I am completely blown away by this woman. She not only gave birth naturally once, she did it twice. Each time she had ginormous babies. The first one was twelve pounds, and her most recent one was fourteen flippin pounds. Now let's make this a little bit more clear. The average text book (if you can remember that far back) weighs about two pounds. So imagine carrying around SEVEN textbooks on your back, not to mention the few extra writing utensils, notebooks, calculators, etc (i.e. all that weight you gained from getting knocked up!). Imagine how sore your back would be! Now imagine how bad your vajayjay would feel trying to shove those textbooks out! And this chick did it in 6 minutes. She's not dead. She didn't rip in half. Her vag isn't officially connected to her butt hole. She's totally fine. Now if that doesn't wanna make you change your mind about natural birth, I don't know what will!
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