I used to worry about having a daughter though because I know nothing about hair, makeup, being "feminine", etc. But luckily, one of the advantages of having a child at an "older age" I have learned to become very comfortable in my skin, butchiness and all. I have realized being feminine doesn't mean wearing pink top to bottom, pretending you can't lift anything because you just don't have the same strength as men, or having to hide the fact that you're intelligent, brave, and outspoken. Being feminine, or a woman, means just being who you are and being proud of it. Just like any other human being.
I bring this all up because I took all of this pro-feminist energy and put it into Delilah's baby room; or as I like to call, her baby corner, lol. I decided that she would have a super hero themed room which has garnered some interesting feedback. Some people have politely said "Oh, what an interesting theme...for a girl." Others have been a little bit more forthcoming: "Why in the world did you choose that theme? Did you wish you had a boy, or are you trying to turn her into one?"
I am not trying to push any feminist ideals onto my daughter, nor am I trying to raise her as a boy. What it comes down to is I LOVE super heroes. I have seen every Marvel movie (except Ghost Rider 2, but I don't think I have to explain that). I loved comic books growing up, especially Silver Sable (when does she get her movie damn't!?!) and I think superheroes are pretty good fictional role models for kids of all genders. Granted, I wish the female characters chests weren't so robust and those chicks figured out that fighting crime would be easier in a pair of flats, but at least they're kicking butt! I mean, come on, Rogue can lift a friggin' building! Storm can control the weather. Psylocke has some serious weapon skills. Some of these ladies are pretty bad ass. So, yes, my DAUGHTER has a superheroed themed room, and it is OK that she is a little girl and has a "male" themed room. She will not grow up to be lesbian (and if she does, A. I wouldn't care and B. I doubt her room had anything to do with it), she will not go off trying to be like one of the boys, and she will develop her own identity on her own time. This is just the time when I get to dress her and decorate things the way I like since I have no clue what she likes right now. If one day she says she wants a princess themed room, well, then that is what she will get. Her happiness is what is most important to me, not my "feminist agenda."
And on THAT note: I have included many pictures for you to check out to see her room. ENJOY!
Here's her little corner area.
The superheroes above her crib.
So I went a little ETSY crazy with her room, lol. The crib sheets were custom made by RockerByeBaby
I just told her what my idea was and she found the perfect fabric for it!
The blanket (which is pretty much my most favorite thing EVER, next to Delilah of course) was made by Chicken and Charlie.
They make a bunch of random things with cool fabric. I had come across a blanket they had with supergirl, batgirl, and wonder woman that looked pretty cool. I told her about the theme of my room and she sent me THIS fabric, which was a MILLION times cooler than the blanket I came across. I told her I wanted purple on the other side, and BAM, she made me this blanket.
The doll was created by Nerdy Dollz.
I seriously could have bought EVERY SINGLE DOLL on this site. But I went with Hit Girl from the movie Kick Ass. If you have not seen this movie, stop what you're doing RIGHT NOW and go watch it IMMEDIATELY. The movie is awesome, but it wouldn't be without her. She is seriously one of the most bad ass little girls, and probably superheroes, of all time.
Close up of the sheet pattern. There is also a matching bed skirt.
This is a closeup of the pattern of her blanket. Which has awesome sayings on it like "femme power" and "sirens of strength." Yes, I know nothing matches color wise, but I don't care!
The wall to the left.
I got this made at Spotted Flats.
I asked them to do Delilah's initials and have each letter star a female superhero who's name begins with the initial letter. The D features Domino, R is Rogue, and S is Storm.
These are just a couple of pictures I printed out and framed with frames I got at the dollar store. I did baby version of some popular superheroes.
We have this growth chart which we have not found a place for yet. But we have been keeping track!
Got it from Dabble Down (http://www.etsy.com/shop/DabbleDown)
We also had this light switch in the older apartment. But it doesn't fit in the new apartment. :-(
Got this from Wookie Design (http://www.etsy.com/shop/wookiedesign)
This is not superhero themed, but I love it all the same. When Michael and I went to go shopping for a dresser, we went up to the Babies R Us furniture desk twice to tell them which dresser we had chosen. Each time they informed us they were out of what we wanted. So we got stuck with this white dresser. I DID NOT want a white dresser. It seems bland to me. BUT, we had a dresser decorating party. We asked our closest loved ones to come over and write words of wisdom, drawer pictures, love notes, hand prints, whatever. It's unfinished (Michael and I still have not contributed) but I really love how it's turned out so far. :-)
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