Now, when a woman finds out she's pregnant, she is inevitably going to dive into countless books, websites, blogs, and forums that have to deal with pregnancy, giving birth, raising a child, etc. Which is totally normal and super helpful. The only problem is, a lot of women take everything they read, word for word, to heart. I see so many women putting themselves into a panic because they are 6 weeks pregnant and their book said they should be experiencing nausea, and when they don't, they make themselves feel that they are probably having a miscarriage or their baby is deformed. They go to countless visits to the doctor to keep getting checked out which puts them in a constant state of worry, which is not so great for their unborn child.
This is why I usually read real life accounts of pregnancy rather than those "step by step" pregnancy guides. Don't get me wrong, those are helpful too. They help me learn about the scientific side of the pregnancy and what's going on inside my body. My favorite so far is The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Pregnancy and Birth.
It's really helpful in letting you know what's happening with your baby's growth and your body. But in all reality, these types of books don't prepare me (and probably nothing will) for all the freaky shit that is going to happen to my body, brain, relationships, and my life in general. Do your research ladies, but be prepared for anything to happen. That's why I really liked Jenny McCarthy's book, Belly Laughs.
It is a short and hilarious account of what it was like FOR HER to be pregnant. It is actually one of the reasons that inspired me to write this blog. She doesn't talk about how magical it was or how happy she was. She gets down to the real nitty gritty of what being pregnant was like. Even as a celebrity, she still gained 60 lbs., got hemorrhoids, pooped on herself during pregnancy, and was completely tortured by her hormones. THAT'S what I want to read about. I know I can't prepare for every little thing during pregnancy. But at least I can start putting into my mind that I literally have no control over my body right now. And I am slowly but surely making myself OK with that. Because if I keep reading something that tells me that my hcg levels (pregnancy hormones) should be at 7,000 and I'm at 6,999, I'm going to freak myself out and not enjoy the pregnancy.
Some woman might say this is pessimistic and the books really help them. If that's the case, then good for you! I'm really glad you found something to help you along your pregnancy. But let's be honest, being pregnant sucks. I wouldn't take it back for the world, and I am super happy to make "the sacrifice." But being pregnant is no walk in the park. At only 6 weeks I have already felt fatigue like I have never felt in my life, I am in a constant state of nausea to the point where I'm starting to think someone might have actually poisoned my food 3 weeks ago, and if I didn't know any better, my chest has been replaced with that of a cow. So instead of reading what my body "should" do, I would rather read about all the things that my body MIGHT do so I'm better prepared. It can be a terrifying read (I totally got nauseous during the part where Jenny McCarthy gave birth!) but I feel so much better prepared. If you keep yourself in la-la land thinking that pregnancy is going to be full of rainbows, ponies, and cute little elves, you're probably in for one biiiiiiiiig rude awakening! I just hope you have Belly Laughs by your side when that happens.
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