Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's it like?

Michael:  I miss the baby.  You're so lucky you get to spend every waking moment with it.
Me:  Yeah, it is pretty awesome.
Michael:  What's it like?
Me:  Well even though I constantly feel nausea and exhausted, there's something about knowing that its not caused by a sickness that's comforting.  Like there's something bigger than myself just chillin in my belly.
Michael:  You should write that in the blog.
Me: Ok, I will. :-)


Anonymous said...

Oh that is awesome. Baby's first pic. Luv you guys.

Grandpa Mikie said...

I love your baby blog. I think you should write a book on all your experiences. It's funny and could be very informative to other new mommy's. Love you.