Friday, March 9, 2012

First child birth class

Michael and I went to our first child birth class on Tuesday!  It was a 2 hour long session that was mildly informative.  There were only two other couples there, so it was kind of small and intimate.

The instructor is incredibly animated and outgoing.  Which is kind of fun for the class, but if I'm in the wrong mood, it might make me want to punch her in the face.  She began telling us about her first two pregnancies, which at first I was like OH BROTHER, I don't care about you.  But it was surprisingly informative.  It was nice to hear from her point of view how she experienced contractions, labor, etc.  By the end I wanted to stab her because her first birth was only 6 hours long and the second was like 4.  I doubt I will be that blessed.

She then moved on to showing us before and after images of what our anatomy looks like.  I was really glad Michael got to see this.  I think as I get further along into my pregnancy I feel more and more crazy.  Only because my body keeps doing things that confuse me and just don't make sense and so when I talk about it I feel like Michael thinks I'm even crazier than I think I am, even though he's done nothing to suggest that.  But when she showed the image of what my bladder looked like pre-pregnancy, and what it looks like now with the baby trying to crush it into an oblivion, I felt almost vindicated.  In my head I was like, "See! SEE!  I do have a right to go to the bathroom 78 times a day, and you shouldn't judge me for it!"  Pregnancy irrationality at it's best.

The instructor then showed us some different stretches and exercises to help us preggos be more comfortable during pregnancy and labor.  I don't really know if they were helpful or not, I guess we'll find out when d-day comes.  The breathing exercises were funny though.  At one point Michael was sitting on the floor behind me, his hands on my tummy, my hands on top of his.  She then guided us in this circling motion combined with some breathing.  It felt weird.  I can't even explain it, it just felt not natural.  So of course, being the 12 year old a-hole that I am, I started laughing.  And I couldn't stop.  My instructor look at me like I was a maniac, especially as I was jirating in my own skin trying not to make any noise, which only made my laughing even more obvious.  Whatever.  It was fun.

The class ended with a birthing video.  For anyone who has read my blog from the beginning, you would know that I DO NOT enjoy these videos.  They are not informative to me.  They don't make me feel more comfortable about the birthing process.  They gross and freak me out.  I'm sorry, but seeing some lady's vagina suddenly become the size of her own head to let out a little alien baby does not make me feel empowered.  It just doesn't.  Don't judge me!

That was pretty much it.  We have 3 more classes where we'll learn more relaxation techniques, about breastfeeding, and who knows what else.  But I'm excited.  I think it was a nice bonding experience for both Michael and I.  Everything about the baby so far has been prepping the house, doing as many errands as possible, and just running around like crazy folk.  This class really gave us the chance to just sit down and be like...woah, we're having a baby!  So I'm thinking the next couple of classes will be really awesome for us.  I'll keep y'all posted.


Anonymous said...

OMG Honey you are too funny. I am glad you and Mike had a chance to relax a bit and enjoy Jellybean.
I love you all. Kisses & Hugs. Mom

Grandma Barbi said...

OMG you are too funny. Glad you and Mike got a chance to bond a little more with JB. Hugs and Kisses. Mom

Grandma Barbi said...

OMG honey you are too funny. Glad to hear you and Mike had a bonding moment. JB is lucky to have such great parents as you two. Hugs and Kisses. Mom