Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I'm a bit late on the New Year's resolutions, but I've been in thesis land for the last couple of weeks.  But here goes!

Last year I made a couple of resolutions, which included the following:

1.  Live on my own for the first time ever.  (COMPLETED)
2.  Practice random acts of kindness.  (COMPLETED)
3.  Lose 10 lbs.  (COMPLETED)
4.  Do one push up.  I've never done one, ever.  (NOT COMPLETED)

I kept it short and I accomplished most of them.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  This year I decided to make myself resolutions again.  So here's what I got so far!

1.  Be nicer to people.  Not that I'm purposely mean.  Just my facial expressions or lack of communication sometimes leaves people with the impression that I'm angry about something, usually at them.  So, need to work on that!

2.  Lose ten pounds (maybe 15, depending on how much I gain) through healthy eating and exercise after having the baby.

3.  Do at least one pull up.

4.  Do ten push ups in a row.

5.  Try not to lose my mind about being a first time mother.

6.  Try to embrace the "it takes a village" mentality when it comes to my child.

7.  Find creative and unique ways to interact with my child.

8.  Really try to stick with cloth diapering.

9.  Learn how to puree baby food.

10.  Write more poems.  Try to get one published.

11.  Graduate from grad school...finally.

Most of these resolutions are because I want to make sure I am the best role model I can be for my daughter.  One of my fears (like most expecting parents, I'm sure) is that I won't be able to be the type of parent that has a positive and effective influence on her life.   This of course means I have to be the best person I can be.  I believe that people are always continuously changing and morphing throughout their life, so I don't have a specific type of person I want to be.  I just want to make sure that I'm always striving to be the best I can be so my daughter can have the best parent she deserves.
I think beginning these resolutions are a good way to start thinking about the type of parent I want to be.  I think they will continue to expand and change as the year goes on, which I am totally fine with.  I've never been a parent before, so I have a feeling that I will start learning a lot about myself, and I'm really excited about that.  I am open to whatever the universe and my kick ass daughter have to teach me!

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